WUCIOA has much more detail about records and owners’ rights to access them. (But this is not legal advice for your specific association) The Washington Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (WUCIOA) is a new law that takes effect on July 1, 2018. Most of it only applies to HOAs and Condos created after that date….
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The Kansas Court of Appeals held that Kansas law requires a homeowners association to disclose the names and addresses of delinquent homeowners. Although this case was decided in Kansas, it could be an indication of how a Washington court might decide a similar issue. The recent case of Frobish v. Cedar Lakes Village Condominium Association concerned…
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A Utah court recently ruled that under the Utah Nonprofit Corporation Act an association is not obligated to provide a member with the email addresses and phone numbers of other members. Although this case was decided by a Utah court interpreting the Utah Act, it demonstrates how a court in Washington might decide a similar…
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Under Washington law, COAs and HOAs are required to keep various kinds of records. We have visited the issue of what to include within Association records in the past (see our blog post here). However, Associations might want more specific guidance when it comes to how long the various types of records must be kept….
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